A person is a unique bio-psycho-socio-cultural and spiritual being, always in constant interaction with the environment. These interactions affect individuals, families, population groups, and societal health status.
The nurse assumes the caring role in the promotion of health, prevention of diseases, restoration of health, alleviation of suffering, and, when recovery is not possible, assisting patients towards peaceful death. The nurse collaborates with other members of the health team and other sectors to achieve quality healthcare. Moreover, the nurse works with individuals, families, population groups, community, and society in ensuring an active participation in the delivery of holistic healthcare.
The main objective of college are as follows:
- To provide instruction, teaching, and training in Higher Education and to make provision for research, advancement and dissimilation of knowledge.
- To create higher levels of intellectual abilities.
- To establish state-of-the-art facilities for nursing education and training.
- To carry out teaching and research and to offer various facilities to the students for betterment of their knowledge.
- To provide consultancy to the industry and public organization.
- To encourage sports, cultural, extra auricular and co-curricular activities for students and staff.