Most of the students, after their education and departure are interested to know about their school or college and its activities and achievements. Similarly the institutions are also interested in the activities of the old students in order to satisfy the interest of both students and the institution, The Alumni association is formed
- To promote, strengthen and foster love and fellowship among our former students.
- To assist the institution to obtain necessary funds for various facilities.
- Becoming interested, well informed and active members of nursing profession, and work for the attainment of the objectives of the institution.
- To assist the students in their professional and personal growth.
- Helping individual member of the association.
- To be useful and helpful member of society, planning for study group, discuss trends in nursing education and practice.
- To endeavour, to seek the promotion and advancement of the nursing profession.
1. For the institution- Plan to improve good communication with parent institution
- Financial support to endowments funds
- Helps to solve the problems
- Make the students to participate in the social and educational activities
- Publishers newsletters and magazines
- Presents awards and honours to outstanding personality
- Plan for conducting programmer to improving health facilities in world